3 ways to create better content

Ankita Gupta
2 min readMay 29, 2021
Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Content Creation is not a new concept. We had that earlier in the form of movies, TV series, books, magazines. But with the evolution of time we have the luxury of Interet and social media which gave rise to content accessible easily to anyone in this world.

It has given us the freedom to communicate our message to any corner of the world. With the rise in creators the only way to make sure your content is the best you have to be the best.

You can do the following things to create great content:

Experience Life

If you want to be a great content creator then you should taste life. With That I mean experiences makes you a better content creator. The experiences should be such which has learnings in it.

How to create experiences worth sharing? Talking to people, sharing perspective, Travelling,Implementing what you learned. People have had enough of theories, they want practical experiences, your story differentiates you.

Write Often

To communicate your message effectively you have to write more. When you write more you learn the art of communication. Writing helps in developing ideas, it helps you to think deeply.

If you cant write well, you cant communicate well.

Solve a Problem in your way

If your content is solving problem then you are in the right track, but still there is one thing that still needs to be taken care of. Solve your problem in a different way. Every creator is solving a problem but to beat the competition choose a better way to slove it.

For example the rise of demand for podcast was because they choose the conversation to be a better way to answer your curiosity.

