5 Ways to get lucky

Ankita Gupta
3 min readMay 3, 2021

It’s easy to attract luck with these 5 hacks.

“You have the magic wand

Don’t let it go”

There have been instances in life when we worked hard on a project which didn’t work out and sometimes without putting in much effort one fine day you get a call from a client for work. Life itself is a puzzle that we are still struggling to figure out. When things happen out of our control, we call it luck. Luck means success or failure brought by chance rather than through one’s actions.

Well, there is a secret I would reveal today, you too can get lucky. If you follow these hacks you will start attracting luck in your life.

Work Hard

Most people who have achieved greater heights in life, like Elon Musk or Oprah Winfrey stress on the hard work they had put in to reach where they are today. Nothing else can beat hard work to reach wherever you wish to reach. You should show the Universe or the Giver, how badly you need that in life by putting actions. Your Action speaks louder than your words. To create your luck, work harder.

Meet More People

Have you ever experienced how people turn out to be like angels in life? You are in some kind of trouble, and you see a stranger helping you out in some way. This has happened to me in my life. When you meet more people you increase the chances of meeting with new opportunities, learn new things and open new doors.

Practice Gratitude

Writing about the good things you have in your life brings your focus to the positive things in your life. Where your focus goes energy flows and manifestation happens. The more you practice gratitude the more you attract those things in life. This has personally helped me in my life.

The reason is when you focus on the negative you attract more negative things in life. So be aware of your thoughts.

Give more than you Receive

Why do you think the creators in the industry are giving all the free content for free and are still successful in earning a good lifestyle. It’s because they are giving more than they receive. Always have an abundant mindset having this mindset you will offer more to others in this way the universe will give you more. You can help in any way you feel comfortable like donating, giving free education to the underprivileged, helping others in need in any way.

Visualize your goals

Imagine that you are tasting lemon in your mouth with closed eyes. Why am I saying this? It’s because your subconscious mind accepted that you had lemon just right now. I know you are amazed at this theory. This is how our subconscious mind works.

So if you imagine things you want in life you can attract them in reality.

Don’t blame your fate if something went wrong with you. Follow these to attract more luck in your life. The higher power is watching you so make sure your deeds are in right place and you are putting in enough hard work rather than blaming your luck.

