In the end, everything gets clear

Ankita Gupta
2 min readMay 24, 2021

“Enjoy each day for you are heading to better days”

Photo by Benjamin Combs on Unsplash

I have been a kid who had no clue about life, always got scolding by parents and teachers and then I started hating myself. I sucked at Academics and started questioning what’s wrong with me?

I tried hard but could not score good grades. Being a kid and always hearing negative comments about yourself really affects your subconscious mind. It’s like affirmation, hearing the same things makes your mind believe in that story.

Well, unfortunately, I accepted myself as a useless kid.

When I finished school, I had to again fight for a degree. That’s is how things work. It goes step by step. Little did I know that this was just a path to make life more secure.

I was not allowed to think about my future. I failed to find answers to my question, which made me realize I have no clarity in life.

In between self-doubts and lack of clarity I ended up being more depressed. The great part of being in that hard phase of my life led to exploring different things, talking to different people, and reading books.

Reading books has proven to be a life-changing hack for me. Reading helped me reprogram my mind, purify it with good thoughts which were polluted. I started seeing myself as a completely different person. My world changed 360 degrees altogether.

I was glad that I could fight with my self-limiting beliefs. One thing that bothered me was “what’s my purpose?” I started getting more deeper in knowing the truth, what can I do with my life?

Trying different things helped me realize that writing is my passion. Do you know when I look back on my childhood, I had the habit to write poems on my worst and best days. I had the passion to express my feelings through words but never thought writing can be a career in a world where people are competing for degrees. Today I am happy to find my true Love.

It’s ok if you lack clarity, but keep on challenging yourself, keep on exploring new things. That’s the only hack to find clarity. Have the hunger to find yourself, Universe will give you many signs to ḥelp you find your best self.

This doesn’t state I have completely found my purpose, I am still walking on that journey, enjoying each step.

Don’t worry! In the end, Everything Gets clear.

